What IF I DIE???
It wont matter to the sky;
Same will be da earth;
the land of my birth;
I'll be helpless &
the birdz so brave
It wont matter to the sky;
Same will be da earth;
the land of my birth;
I'll be helpless &
the birdz so brave
that they'd come & chirp on my grave;
People'll say she had brainz'
Some'll say but in vain'
the sun will rise, the sun will set;
There'll b no change in the world i bet;
There'd be a few hearts only;
Who after me'll feel lonely;
While living i keep committing sinzzz;
If recorded it'll fill several binzzz;
& if i do some thing good & noble;
People'll remember me as pious, honest & humble
People'll say she had brainz'
Some'll say but in vain'
the sun will rise, the sun will set;
There'll b no change in the world i bet;
There'd be a few hearts only;
Who after me'll feel lonely;
While living i keep committing sinzzz;
If recorded it'll fill several binzzz;
& if i do some thing good & noble;
People'll remember me as pious, honest & humble
((( )))TC